Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Where do you start?

So, you have decided that you want to start working on your health and fitness. GREAT!! That is a HUGE step to take! I am super proud of you! Now, if you are reading this, then you stumbled upon me! Woohoo! Way to go! So, maybe you are looking for direction, you are thinking what in the world do I do next?

If you are anything like me, I am not a big GYM person, the word scares me. Even though it is only three little letters, it is very intimidating to me. So I want to start with things I can do in the privacy of my own home, things I can do without having to purchase hundreds of dollars worth of equipment. Now don't get me wrong, there are pieces of equipment that I adore! I just want to be able to do little things here and there!

The easiest way to me to stay on track is for me to write things down. That may not work for you, it is just what works for me. When I write something, I tend to remember it more. And when I see it that will push me more. Just take a look at the start of my week in my calendar! (Don't mind the white blobs, I had to remove clients names for privacy!)

I am trying to push myself to hit certain goals and to build certain habits. What I am doing may not work for you and that is OK! We just need to find out what will work for you!

Have you heard of a Wall Sit? It is basically like sitting in a chair, but without the chair! Using the wall to support just your back! Please see professional images below as examples. Compliments of No Drilldown and Anytime Fitness websites.

Now, these are not easy! Trust me you will feel it, but always a place to get started that is not high impact. This will strengthen your core and legs. Start out with 10 seconds. And I mean FULL seconds. Count 1 M-I-S-S-I-S-S-I-P-P-I, 2 M-I-S-S-I-S-S-I-P-P-I, etc. 

Now, if you can not do ten seconds, that is OK! You started, you tried, and now you have a new goal to beat for tomorrow to do a little more! It is all about finding a starting place and moving forward from there. 

No matter where we start, we are doing better then we did yesterday! Way to go! 

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